2014. Dusie, The Ecopoethos Issue

Dusie.og, The Ecopoethos Issue edited by Marthe Reed



“insistence, teeth” is collaboration between poet Lori Anderson Moseman and printmaker Sheila Goloborotko featured in the this Ecopoethos issue of Dusie. See http://www.dusie.org/AndersonMoseman_Goloborotko.pdf

from Marthe Reed’s introduction.

“The generative impulse for this issue of Dusie was in part informed by Timothy Morton’s Ecology Without Nature, his challenge to the notion of ‘nature’ as it has historically been constituted, a notion fundamentally invested in isolating human from nature, nature from human. Constructed through the lenses of political/sociological/economic/environmental (and other) tensions, ‘nature,’ ‘place,’ and ‘environment’ are othered and objectified. At the interstices of ecological zones, species, cities, nations, bodies, those permeable borders separating ‘us’ from ‘them,’ human from other-than-human, insider from outsider, the vulnerable from the powerful, how might we reconfigure our understanding, encounter the unbounded condition having neither center nor margin? 

I sought work from writers and artists that speaks into this eco-socio-political moment as an act of witness and of reach, especially works which, having adopting hybridity’s otherness, do not look back. I was amply rewarded. Lori Anderson Moseman writes in her essay-length engagement with grief and the print-works of Sheila Goloborotko, ‘There is nothing new in this save the ever-growing context of complexity’—’Art’s work is to ask for mercy.’ Complexity and mercy… .’ See http://www.dusie.org/Preface.pdf