
In QUIETLY BETWEEN, Lori Anderson Moseman collaborates with Brad Vogler, Megan Kaminski and Sarah Green to create a visual and poetic conversation about time-n-place. DARN, another poetry/photography montage, was released from Delete Press in the fall of 2021. Anderson Moseman’s hybrid poetry/prose collection, Y, came out from The Operating System in 2019.

Her 2022 chapbooks TOO MANY WORDS and OKAY? are available from above/ground press. Her other full length collections include  LIGHT EACH PAUSE (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), FLASH MOB (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016), and ALL STEEL (Flim Forum Press, 2012). Her collaboration with book artist Karen Pava Randall, FULL QUIVER, is available from Propolis Press. 

A former educator, she founded the press Stockport Flats in the wake of a flood along the Upper Delaware River. In the High Watermark Salo[o]n Series, artists exhibited their work and poets gave readings. The events were documented in perfect bound chapbooks with color plates. The press evolved to feature experimental poets in is Meander Scar Series. To examine environmental justice, there is the Witness Post Series. A convergence of writers from a cross the country appear in the Confluence Series.

She has a Doctorate in Writing from University at Albany, a Masters of Fine Arts in Poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and a Masters of Fine Arts in Integrated Electronic Arts from iEAR Studios at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Her undergraduate degrees from Oregon State University are in Forest Management and Technical Journalism.

Lori lives with her partner, Tom, and their Catahoula, Cal, in Eugene OR. Contact her at